Originally Posted By: jcl
Ok, I've checked your example. The compiled code size is not 980 MB, but about 10 MB. This is indeed a problem, since the compiler first compiles the script to an interim code and then to the final machine code. The interim code can be much larger than the machine code, up to factor 30.
There's certainly room for optimization since I think 90% of the allocated memory by the compiler is not needed at runtime. But that's how it works at the moment.
It had to be explicitely implemented.

Although I've optimized it already over the months and years (not loading any big files like music, creating any big textures only on demand (of which there are < 10) and deleting 99% of all unused code), I've finally reached the point where I cannot play-test my game anymore.
The code is the issue, not other files. Most of the code is already in place but a little more is yet to come.

Mr. Lotter, can you free some of the memory (not 90% but let's say 30%, optimistically, some big chunks) and release a new version? That would be a huge thing/ relief, probably not just for me.
How much time would that take you to do/ implement? I'd throw some money in the company's coffee tip jar if it helped thinking.

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