I've been trying to implement Unicode keyboard input in my regular lite-C Pure game.
Using on_message I receive WM_CHAR events, including characters sent by a Japanese IME thing for testing. However, it seems like I cannot convert those to actual Unicode characters (the lParam is just 1 which probably is not right for any subsequent ToUnicode calls...?).
I assume this might be because IsWindowUnicode(hWnd) returns 0 and WM_CHAR messages are transformed to ANSI before they are sent to the application.
I've thought about creating my own hWnd with RegisterClassExW (which is not supported in GStudio8/include/windows.h, only RegisterClassEx, so maybe via a DLL) but I couldn't figure that one out yet. Would that be the right way?

Alternatively, I've tried to call
SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, HookCallback, NULL, 0);
in a DLL or directly in lite-C, then do the Unicode translation there and send the Unicode characters to the engine.
However, it seems like the callback function is not triggered correctly, in particular no response to/ from IME input. WH_KEYBOARD_LL may or may not be the wrong HookID but I did not have luck with any other mode.

Do you have any advice?
Thanks for reading.

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