Hi jcl. Doesn't this mean "The Z Strategies" page in the manual has become misleading with the introduction of Z8/9?

I.e., for Z1/2/3/7/12 which trade Forex/CFD if it's recommended that Tested CRequired should be exceeded by, say, increasing it to 2X to get a CRecommended, shouldn't that be listed in the comparison table and the Tested AR be then divided by that same 2X to get to a True AR? Which then compares apples-to-apples to the Z8/9 AR?

Something like:

System		Z1/2/3/7/12	Z8/9
Test CR		1000		1000
Safety Factor	2		1
CRecommended	2000		1000
Test AR		100%		35%
True AR		50%		35%
