That value is num_entities, you can see that from 'default.c' -> 'def_debug_pan' panel.

Originally Posted By: preacherX
I thought that the entities memory would only grow if a new entity is loaded with ent_create... Or not?
num_entities - will grow if entities are created (doesn't matter how).
You have to check your code for 'ent_create' first (that's what I would do). I think some logic get's messed up after level_load.

Originally Posted By: preacherX
I just also found out that this value won't return to zero after a new level_load -normally it will go to zero if you perform a level_load.
This is weird. Do you use view entities? They aren't purged at level change, but I'm not sure if they will affect 'num_entities'.

Edit: just made a test, view entities don't affect 'num_entities'...


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