Thanks for the responses. That does help a bit. I have already followed the procedure closely for downloading price history before trading.

I used the download script for an asset, ran the M1 download then saved the download to history folder as "asset new".

The manual states, " For trading the Z systems live, you'll probably also need to rename or exclude some assets, dependent on what your broker offers (brokers often have different names for the same assets). "

Now if I am trading say a z1 or z2 system with USD/EUR, do I need to worry about price history or renaming any other assets in the history folder, or does it only execute USD/EUR data?

I think maybe I am simplifying the process too much. Here is another line from the manual,

"Earn virtual money: Open a demo account with your preferred broker. Five minutes later you should have a $50,000 demo account and can log in and start trading. Start Zorro, select the broker, enter the user ID and password that you got, select a Z strategy or one of the Workshops, and click [Trade]. Wait a couple of months and observe the money (hopefully) accumulate on your account."

Following these exact directions and then testing it nets me a much different result than the Z system est. performance stats.

I keep reading over the manual and trying different things but to no avail of turning a profit in back-tests. This system might be too sophisticated for someone with little experience like myself.

I have attached more screen shots documenting my exact steps.

Thanks again, and sorry for all the questions.

Attached Files Zorro step 1.JPGZorro step 2.JPGZorro step 3.JPG
Last edited by tpmoran; 12/02/17 20:57.