
I'm getting an error while using this plugin. Trading in the ETH/BTC pair, I'm getting the following error:

!market/buylimit - Error Parsing JSon
!Error calling API BrokerBuy
(ETH/BTC::L) Can't open 1@0.04684 at 22:30:01

In my Bittrex account I have 0.99ETH, so I have money to trade. My code is very simple, I just want to buy with the whole amount of money each time, so if I receive a long signal, I want to buy with all the BTC that I have, and if I receive a short signal, I want to sell all the ETH. This is the code:

Entry = PIP;
Lots = 43;
if (buy_signal == 1)
if (short_signal == 1)

I know that the plugin does not short, but I guess that this syntax is ok anyway? Instead of short I just want to sell ETH and stay in BTC, I'm not sure if the error may be because of this.

EDIT: Using Lots=40; it seems that the error doesn't appears, so I guess that this problem was due to my poor knowledge of Zorro. So, for the records, the Lots=40 is a bit less than the value of 1ETH in BTC.

EDIT2: Definitely something is wrong with the plugin, or with my script. I have 0.04386992 BTC. Then, I use Lots=43 (the code is the same than above). The system tries to buy ETH, opening a long position. And then the INSUFFICIENT FUNDS error appears frown

Last edited by Cheulmen; 11/29/17 18:25.