Thanks both!

@MatPed: There's so much about this I don't fully understand yet... I hadn't even really gotten to the OptF's on the belief that they're driven by the backtest results...

a) Isn't it more complicated than that? I.e., the trades taken aren't exactly the same, so while more leverage is involved that doesn't a priori mean bad (-12.5) must become worse (-42.6). F.i., SPX500 changed from losing (-13.8) to winning (11.5). Wouldn't optimizing using the different AssetsFix.csv therefore produce different results than using the leverage 100 values on a leverage 200 account?

b) Finally getting to OptF's laugh , would the 0 OptF for XAU prevent it being Traded and therefore Trade would give better results than the Tested 30% AR (which includes the XAU loss)?
