I don't think so. This simple reproducer also gives that same error message:

function run()
	StartDate = 2016;
	EndDate = 2017;
	LookBack =600;
	BarPeriod = 60;
	AssetMarket = UTC;
	StartMarket = 0800;
	EndMarket = 1800;
	static int SkippedBars = 0;
	if(!market(UTC,0)) {
		TimeFrame = 0;
		SkippedBars--; // count negative number of bars outside market hours
	} else if(TimeFrame == 0) {
		TimeFrame = SkippedBars;
		SkippedBars = 0;
	} else
		TimeFrame = 1;

	vars prices = series(priceClose());
	LifeTime = 10;

	if (prices[0] > ATR(200))
