
Below I have outline shader code that I successfully used previously in a non-ShadeC project, and now I want to use it in a ShadeC evo project. The problem is however that I think I need to add it to an existing pass. When I simply paste it after the current ShadeC pass the whole screen is the outline color (even with extreme thin outline size). And when pasting it as a separate pass it does nothing. So I quessing I need to add it to a current pass but within the linked VertexShader & PixelShader. So I tried that but than I apparently need to change the code/syntax otherwise it gives fx compiling errors ("object literals are not allowed inside functions").
Could someone help me a bit / point me in the right direction with altering the code so I can add it to the existing VertexShader & PixelShader? (if this is feasible that is)

The required variables:
vector vecSkill41;
const float4x4 matWorldViewProj;

The outline pass:
pass outline
		CullMode = CCW; // (Commenting these didn't matter) Not really needed, it is the default state
		ZEnable = True; // Not really needed, it is the default state
		ZFunc = Less; // Not really needed, it is the default state
		ZWriteEnable = False;
		//cullMode = cw;
		vertexShaderConstant[0] = <matWorldViewProj>;
		vertexShaderConstant[16] = <vecSkill41>; // outline_thickness
		vertexShader = asm
			dcl_position v0
			dcl_normal v3
			dcl_texcoord0 v7
			dcl_texcoord1 v8

			mov r0,v0
			mul r1,c16.x,v3 // scale normal
			add,, // shell offset (vertex position + scaled normal)
			m4x4 oPos,r0,c0 // transform position to clip space
		pixelShader = asm
			def c0,255,255,0,1 // color outline rgba
			mov r0,c0

The Shade-C existing technique / pass (sc_deferred_finalize.fx):
technique t1
	pass p0
		//cullmode = ccw;
		//zwriteenable = false;
		alphablendenable = false;
		//VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 mainVS();
		PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 mainPS();
		//FogEnable = False;
		SRGBWriteEnable = true;