Since Zorro v1.6+ (v1.59.95 was the last working version) the function DominantPhase doesn't return the variables rDominantPhase and rDominantPeriod anymore (as stated in the manual), at least in my environment.

Can somebody please use this script and check if the print also shows 0.0 for both rDominantPhase and rDominantPeriod? Thank you.

function run()
    StartDate = 20160101;
    EndDate = 20160115;
    BarPeriod = 60;
    LookBack = 100;
    vars Price = series(price());
    vars DomPha = series(DominantPhase(Price,30));
    vars DomPer = series(DominantPeriod(Price,30));
    printf("nDomPha: %f", DomPha[0]);  
    printf("  DomPer: %f", DomPer[0]);  
    printf("nrDominantPhase: %f", rDominantPhase);  
    printf("  rDominantPeriod: %f", rDominantPeriod);