I am trying to make the bounding box (manually set collision hull) surrounding an NPC to not allow the player to enter the bounding box. I successfully created a bounding box, as I can tell by pressing the F11 key twice and seeing it. However, the player is continually able to pass into the NPC's bounding box when I do not want it to.

I thought I knew how to do this in the past, but it has been awhile since I have done it, and I forgot. I thought I did everything I needed to do to make the bounding box non-passable, as follows:

function playerAdvance()
   c_move(me, move_vec, vector(0, 0, my.GRAVITY_VAR), 

action player_function()
   player = me;
   my.push = 10;
   my.eflags |= FAT | NARROW; 

   set(my, POLYGON);

   while (player_health > 0)




action villain_action()
   my.eflags |= FAT | NARROW;

   villain = me;
   my.push = 10;
   set(my, POLYGON);


   while (my.status != villain_dead)



void createVillain()
   villain = ent_create("villain.mdl",
      vector(-64,146,-111), villain_action );

   // set bounding box to individual values

function newGameButton()

   level_load ("gameWorld.wmb");

   hero = ent_create ( "player.mdl", vector(8,-606,-111),
      player_function ); 


I tried setting c_setminmax() before manually creating the bounding box. I also set the push value of the NPC to the same push value as the player. The model of the NPC itself is creating collision (Un-passable), but not the bounding box surrounding the NPC. I tried getting rid of c_setminmax(), but the same thing happens.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated in helping me to make the collision hull un-passable. Thank you.

Last edited by Ruben; 10/24/17 02:30.