
I decided to start a new thread before I derail the other one further.

Executive summary:
* I would like the maximum allowable ticks per BrokerHistory2 call to be increased from 300 ticks to 17,000 ticks or higher.

* The Ally Invest API allows my plugin to download up to two months of historical data for a single asset with a single request, whether I use XML or JSON. (JSON is faster, but I did not implement it yet.)
* NYSE hours are 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, 6.5 hours per day.
* 2 months of data is about 16,900 or so ticks. We can round up to 17,000.
* Ally limits requests to 60 per minute. With this approach, I cannot run out of requests if I am too busy getting data.
* Finally, if I use the below test script, the 1 month and 2 month data grabs work, and the 3-month fails.