The maximum number of ticks per call is 300

Can this be changed? Its a bottleneck..

this has no effect on speed.

It is obviously less efficient than requesting 1 day of data in 1 go, AND it leads to "pacing violations" on IB API much faster.

Your code produces no log, it just sets a variable and quits

I have all the time referred to API messages logged by IB Gateway.

I never say that there is no problem, only that I do not know your problem, and you should therefore contact Support

OK, will do. To be frank, I thought support reads this forum and there is no need to do the same thing twice.

If you have an issue that the other users don't have

1. It's just that not many users know what's normal and/or know where to look and/or dare to ask.
2. It is all over the manual that getting IB historical data is slow and should not be relied upon.
This really puzzled me, since for the last 4 years I have been freely downloading historical data in MC quite swiftly.
IB's "1 year" limitation has been more of a 'disclaimer'; downloading 6-7 years of 1min data in one go has never been a problem. Yes, with occasional 'pacing violations' but all in all user experience had been smooth. So, I know it works, and so Zorro should be able to do it similarly well.