I am receiving this error when I try and run a back test over my imported data.

error 010: Invalid SPY Stop:0.00000 Price:0.0000

I have added my asset to the AssetsFix .csv file in history folder.

My date format in the .csv I wish to import is in yyyymmdd. The frequency is daily bars.

I am using the below settings on the zorro included CSVtoHistroy script:

// Convert price history from .csv to .t6
// The Format string determines the CSV format (see examples)

#define SPLIT	// split into separate years

string InName = "C:Stock Market AnalysisMarket DataMASTER_DATA_DUMPSPY.csv";  // name of a single year CSV file
string OutName = "SPY";
//string InName = "D:HistoryVIX_2013_2016.stk";
//string OutName = "VIX"; // for separate years, f.i. VIX_2016.t6, VIX_2015.t6 etc.

// HISTDATA line format: "20100103 170000;1.430100;1.430400;1.430100;1.430400;0"
string Format = "+%Y%m%d %H%M%S;f3;f1;f2;f4;f6;f";

<rest is default >>

The backtest script is good as I can run it over other existing assets in the zorro program.

What on earth am i missing here? Any ideas?


Last edited by flare9x; 09/19/17 03:15.