Hey kmega,

sounds like an really interesting project, I'm kind of looking forward to see more stuff about it. However, from someone who's been on this forum for years, what you're trying to accomplish seems waaay too extreme considering you're working as a solo dev.

You'd basically have to know EVERYTHING from graphics programming to network programming, sound design and many other fields - which, in this case, sounds a bit like wishful thinking (no offense). On top of that, the choice of engine doesn't make things easier on you.
Now, I don't know your strengths or expiriences in all those fields and I don't want to tell you what you should or souldn't do. I'd just like to give you the well-meant recommendation to aim (a lot) lower that what you've described as I'd hate to see someone struggle, fail and ultimately waste their time on something like this.

Either way, don't let my rambling force you to change direction or get you down in any way. I still wish you the best of luck with whatever project you're going to start.

kind regards, Kartoffel laugh

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