Hi txesmi! I am very close to the final outcome of the shader laugh I need help figuring out what is happening to this portion of the Vertex Shader in regards to the cube map reflection. I currently have normal mapping+specular working! However, the cubemap reflection doesnt look correct when I have normal mapping and specular working. Here is the area Im having trouble with:

void SpecularVS(in float4 InPos		: POSITION,
				in float3 InNormal	: NORMAL,
				in float2 InTex		: TEXCOORD0,
				in float4 InTangent	: TEXCOORD2,
				out float4 OutPos	: POSITION,
				out float2 OutTex	: TEXCOORD0,
				out float3 OutNormal: TEXCOORD1,
				out float3 OutViewDir: TEXCOORD2,
				out float3 OutSunDir: TEXCOORD3,
				out float3 OutViewDir2: TEXCOORD4)
	OutPos = mul(InPos, matWorldViewProj); // Transform the vertex from object space to clip space:

//////////--------------------------- Having these 2 uncommented gives smooth cubemap reflections

//	OutNormal = normalize(mul(InNormal,matWorld)); 	// Transform the normal from object space to world space:
//	OutViewDir = vecViewPos - mul(InPos, matWorld); // Calculate a vector from the vertex to the view:

/////////////-----------------Normal Mapping segment

	// Compute 3x3 matrix to transform from world space to tangent space:
	matTangent[0] = mul(InTangent.xyz, matWorld);
	matTangent[1] = mul(cross(InTangent.xyz,InNormal)*InTangent.w, matWorld);
	matTangent[2] = mul(InNormal, matWorld);


//	---------------------------------------------------------------------------OutNormal = normalize(mul(matTangent,matWorld));

//	OutNormal = normalize(mul(InNormal,matWorld))	
	OutViewDir = normalize(mul(matTangent, vecViewPos - mul(InPos, matWorld))); 	// Calculate the view direction vector in tangent space:

	OutSunDir = normalize(mul(matTangent, -vecSunDir)); // Calculate the light direction vector in tangent space:


	OutTex = InTex; // Pass the texture coordinate to the pixel shader:


Thats the vertex shader part. If I uncomment this line before the normal map segment, the cubemap reflection is correct:

//Not considering normals
OutViewDir = vecViewPos - mul(InPos, matWorld);

But if I uncomment this line:

//----Normal map OutViewDir
OutViewDir = normalize(mul(matTangent, vecViewPos - mul(InPos, matWorld)));

the normal mapping specular component works correctly, however the cubemap is reflected strangely....I can see the cubemap showing seams in the model's mesh where the UV seams are.

What equation do I do, to get the cubemap reflecting correctly without showing seams?

with the OutViewDir meant for normal maps uncommented. Below you can see the seams:
OutViewDir = normalize(mul(matTangent, vecViewPos - mul(InPos, matWorld)));

Below is the original OutViewDir not taking the normal map into account. This is the cubemap reflecting correctly:
OutNormal = normalize(mul(InNormal,matWorld));
OutViewDir = vecViewPos - mul(InPos, matWorld);