Here is the current shader! As you can see the cubemap is closer to its actual color:

Facing the light:


However, the dark side is a little more interesting, and the cube map effect is a little more toned down when facing the sun.

Here is the relevant code:

//------------The cubemap strength is based on skin2
float enviness = 2.5 * tex2D(CubeMapSampler,InTex) ; /// based on skin 2 shinymap!!

//-------The envSample is multiplied by the enviness value


Color *= Ambient + Diffuse + Specular;
Color = lerp ( Color, envSample,.45); // I manually put .45
Color *= 1.0f + Specular;

return Color;

Lerp is better definitely, but how can I get it looking as defined as when it is in the shadow, all the while keeping it based on the envMap texture? (skin 2)

BTW Im going to name this shader, "Txesmi and Jumpman's Hero Shader"