Txesmi.....thank you! I was able to get the cubic environment mapping, as well as get it only reflecting on certain pixels of the model, using the model's skin2!!

My next problem is trying to get the Envcube reflection to be more pronounced, with more of the cubemap color coming through, I think it has to do with the final color equation. Can you help me? Here is what I made so far:

//-This line uses entity skin 2, to determine how much relfection is visible
float enviness = 1.5 * tex2D(CubeMapSampler,InTex);

//this line is me playing around:
envSample*=(enviness*2)-(Diffuse*.8); //---cool

//Here is the final output
return (envSample + Ambient + Diffuse + Specular) * Color;

I can see the cubeMap reflection on where i put white in the skin2! However, the reflection itself is mainly white, and kind of loses strength when its normals are facing the sun.

How can I add this reflection cubemap on top of the texture, with more of the color of the reflection map coming through?

The sun is on the top left, shadow on the right. You can see the envmap on the shadow side. This is OK and kinda cool. This model also has a TGA/Transparency in the first skin. This double sided is important btw.

If you look at the cubemap, it is very blue/green. Here is where I rendered just the cubemap as reflection: