2 VServer Windows Server 2016
Zorro 1.58
Z12 - Margin 100

Capital: 6 Accounts a 3000 Euro = 18000 Euro
Start: 12.07.2017
End: 10.08.2017 (Patchday MS)
TradingDays: 22

Account 1 2011,24
Account 2 1943,32
Account 3 1977,90
Account 4 1931,53
Account 5 1940,58
Account 6 1725,99
Sum 11530,56

LOST 6469.44
LOST % -36 %
Max DD up to 1300 €

in the end all profit from the last trial.

easy come easy go. Not so nice

After close all trades and stop trading there was still 4 to 6 open trades on every 6 Oanda account. This is unacceptable.

The stop loss send from Z12 Zorro to Oanda was pretty insanely far from the entry level for an 100:1 trading. Only virtual stop loss in the Zorro System is not enough when Zorro repeatenly loses control over Trades.

The next setup will be with Zorro 1.60 where every Instance of Z12 will get an own server / account and the recommended standard settings and Capital.

Last edited by JoFo; 08/14/17 13:00.