Is anyone else experiencing any stuttering?

I noticed that A8 drops some frames here and there resulting in stuttering. In windowed mode this is more severe than in fullscreen mode. It seems like A8's and Window's framerate go in and out of sync periodically. Not sure if this can be fixed as the frame times don't seem to show a spike.

In fullscreen mode it's better (no periodic desync) but there's still constantly 1 frame dropped per second. I tried it with both, triplebuffer enabled and disabled, but this has no effect.

Does anybody know a way to fix this problem? In case you want to try it yourself:

#include <acknex.h>

void main()
	//d3d_triplebuffer = 1; // doesn't affect the stuttering
	byte UseFullscreen = false;
		video_set(sys_metrics(0), sys_metrics(1), 0, 1);
		video_set(1280, 720, 0, 2);
	fps_max = 60;
	vec_set(&screen_color, vector(40, 32, 30));
	draw_textmode("Segoe UI Light", 0, 30, 100);
	var width = 1;
	var height = screen_size.y;
	var speed = 4;
	Pos.x = -width;
	Pos.y = 0;
	Pos.z = 0;
		draw_quad(NULL, &Pos, NULL, vector(width, height, 0), NULL, vector(230, 225, 30), 100, 0);
		draw_quad(NULL, vector(cycle(Pos.x - speed, 0, screen_size.x), Pos.y, 0), NULL, vector(width, height, 0), NULL, COLOR_BLACK, 100, 0);
		draw_text("frametime in milliseconds:", 10, 10, vector(232, 205, 159));
		draw_text(str_for_float(NULL, dtimer() / 1000.0), 10, 40, vector(232, 205, 159));
		// move to the right at constant rate
		Pos.x += speed;
		while(Pos.x > screen_size.x)
			Pos.x -= screen_size.x;

regards, Kartoffel

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