Hey guys,
I’m back in the USA doing custom music for small and large indie projects!

If you’ve ever wonder why would you want custom music for your project, check out a practical list of reasons here http://samplecues.com/Custom-Music

I also offer various pricing structures for professionals and those just starting out in the industry.

For those on a really tight budgets, music libraries are a solid choice. Currently I’m putting my libraries up to 20% off. https://bonixmusic.com/

FREE??? Yep, a free library (at least for now) can be yours. Simply credit the composer (me; Peter Gunder) in your project(s) and it’s yours for the taking.
Grab it here and enjoy! laugh https://bonixmusic.com/variety-pack-01

Thanks and enjoy your summer / winter!

Peter Gunder
Multimedia Composer