Thanks for looking into it.

Originally Posted By: jcl
a large part stays allocated for the purpose of debugging and accessing variables

Is that for the "Debug run" in SED (only)? If so, could that be optionally skipped/ excluded from the acknex build for "Run current script"/ "Test run"?
I actually never use the "Debug run" as it for some reason never worked for me. When I see its features I should probably have dug more into it. If that (quote) includes stuff like sys_marker, sys_malloc and so on it has definitely got to stay though.

Originally Posted By: jcl
There's certainly room for optimization since I think 90% of the allocated memory by the compiler is not needed at runtime. But that's how it works at the moment.

Ok, glad that this memory mystery is finally solved! Would be nice if this could be improved/ done some time in the future as it's such a big issue for non-published test runs.

Last edited by Superku; 06/21/17 13:45.

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