Haha no... I did not. As I've said before it's "less than 3MB in code" which results in an *.exe size of 6MB (an executable includes all global "large data structures", right?).
I don't have acknex sounds in my project (the whole sound part is deactivated for now as well) and I have replaced all global BMAPs with "= NULL" pointers instead.

That is pretty much my point or question rather, why the code compiling uses so much memory (up to the point where all code has been "scanned" through, before creating global struct objects like TEXTs and PANELs or loading files for global BMAPs - which I checked by putting invalid code there or wrong file names).
(My whole game puts ~380MB-440MB on the heap in the published version, including images, render targets, a 150MB nexus and level and mesh data.)

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

Check out my new game: Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends