Strangely, the problem did not happen for the last 3 days. I cannot explain that or even guess why.

However, my concern is the following:
Right now compiling my source code alone uses 980MB of (heap) memory (and 1245MB+ as something was wrong a couple of days ago), using "Run current script" from SED with the default nexus (40MB?).

Assuming my code base does not grow (which it does continuously though), this leaves me with a very finite pool of memory of ~500MB for my whole game, including sound/ music, render targets and textures (which even gets subjectively less because the BMAP struct may occupy twice the memory for one image as outlined earlier in this thread) - at least in the development version.

This is only getting worse the bigger the project becomes, from a code perspective. If I'm not mistaken that's a considerable restriction on all acknex products, not just mine.
The development version needs extra memory for memory allocation safety and debugging features and similar stuff, right? Can this memory footprint be reduced though, even if that would mean cutting a few safety measures?

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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