Here's the source code of the asnd_buffer function:

#include "OpenAl.h"

int OpenAl::asnd_buffer(OpenAl::ASOUND *snd, void **pDesc, void ***ppSample) {
	//check whether the snd argument is valid
	if(OpenAl::helpFunctions::find(OpenAl::Settings::asoundStorage, snd) == false) {
		return -1;

	//if snd is a streaming sound -> return
	if(snd->stream != 0) {
		*pDesc = 0;
		*ppSample = 0;
		return -2;

	//assign the pointer to the pointer that points to the wave data
	*ppSample = &(snd->waveData);

	//search the dsbufferdescStorage for a matching pair, using the snd pointer
	std::map<OpenAl::ASOUND *, DSBUFFERDESC *>::iterator iteratorPosition =

	if(iteratorPosition != OpenAl::Settings::dsbufferdescStorage->end()) {
		//if a pair was found, store the pointer to the given pDesc variable
		*pDesc = (*iteratorPosition).second;
	} else {
		//else create such a pair, store it and save the pointer in the pDesc variable
		tempBuffer->lpwfxFormat = new WAVEFORMATEX;
		tempBuffer->lpwfxFormat->cbSize = 0;
		tempBuffer->lpwfxFormat->nAvgBytesPerSec = 0;
		tempBuffer->lpwfxFormat->nBlockAlign = 0;
		tempBuffer->lpwfxFormat->nChannels = 0;	//all sounds are mono, therefore this variable is useless
		tempBuffer->lpwfxFormat->nSamplesPerSec = snd->sampleRate;
		tempBuffer->lpwfxFormat->wBitsPerSample = 8 * OpenAl::getSizeOfOneSample(snd->format);

		tempBuffer->lpwfxFormat->wFormatTag = 0;

		tempBuffer->dwBufferBytes = snd->length;
		tempBuffer->dwFlags = 0;
		tempBuffer->dwReserved = 0;
		tempBuffer->dwSize = 0;
		tempBuffer->guid3DAlgorithm.Data1 = 0;
		tempBuffer->guid3DAlgorithm.Data2 = 0;
		tempBuffer->guid3DAlgorithm.Data3 = 0;
		tempBuffer->guid3DAlgorithm.Data4[0] = 'u';
		tempBuffer->guid3DAlgorithm.Data4[1] = 'n';
		tempBuffer->guid3DAlgorithm.Data4[2] = 'u';
		tempBuffer->guid3DAlgorithm.Data4[3] = 's';
		tempBuffer->guid3DAlgorithm.Data4[4] = 'e';
		tempBuffer->guid3DAlgorithm.Data4[5] = 'd';
		tempBuffer->guid3DAlgorithm.Data4[6] = ' ';
		tempBuffer->guid3DAlgorithm.Data4[7] = '!';

		OpenAl::Settings::dsbufferdescStorage->insert( std::pair<OpenAl::ASOUND *, DSBUFFERDESC *>(snd, tempBuffer) );

		*pDesc = tempBuffer;

	return 0;