Steering behaviors work by giving an entity a goal (a position in your map) an tell the entity what to do with this goal (walking over to the goal, running away, pursuing a moving goal, velocity matching and so on). You do this by giving your entity a velocity or acceleration. You can add collision avoidance so that entities run around objects while getting to their goal. Of course, this will not work for tight or complex geometry, here you need pathfinding. But you can combine entities to groups and create coordinated movements and it will look really complex and "intelligent" while being fast to compute and not so hard to implement, depending on your programming knowledge.

I read about this topic in the book 'Artificial Intelligence for Games' by Ian Millington. In the book he uses high level pseudo code, but he offers source code for many (not all) techniques on For example, if you look at the code for some steering behaviors at
you'll see that each steering behaviors consist of just a few lines of code.