materials are set dynamically in MBmaterials.c according to actual shadow_stencil value (can be -1, 1, 8)

else //if (shadow_stencil == (var)-1)
					// MB materials got shader to have self shadows
					effect_load(mtl_detail		,"sc_obj_sprite_MB.fx");				// obj_animGrass1_MB (no shadow response, bad with height fog) or sc_obj_sprite_MB
					effect_load(mtl_shrub		,"sc_obj_sprite_MB.fx");
					effect_load(mtl_grass 		,"sc_obj_grass1_MB.fx");
					effect_load(mtl_obstacle	,"sc_obj_model_MB.fx");
					effect_load(mtl_tree			,"sc_obj_tree1_MB.fx");
					effect_load(mtl_mapent		,"sc_obj_level_MB.fx");
					effect_load(mtl_terrmdl		,"sc_obj_model_MB.fx");
					effect_load(mtl_building	,"sc_obj_model_MB.fx");
					// 3DGS materials can be used to not to have self shadow
//					effect_load(mtl_terrain		,"sc_obj_model_MB.fx");					// not used, in action own shader
					effect_load(mtl_model		,"sc_obj_model_MB.fx");
					effect_load(mtl_sprite		,"sc_obj_sprite_st_MB.fx");	
					effect_load(mtl_flat			,"sc_obj_level_MB.fx");
					effect_load(mtl_shaded		,"sc_obj_level_MB.fx");
					effect_load(mtl_sky			,"sc_obj_sky_MB.fx");
//					mtl_tree.flags |= ENABLE_TREE;											// ENABLE_RENDER or ENABLE_TREE
//					mtl_tree.event = sc_tree_billboard_event;
					// RTS unit materials 
#ifdef PLAY02_PS
					effect_load(mtl_bonesanim	,"sc_obj_bones_MB.fx");	// FIL	 	// slower SM3.0 shader with pixel shader - capability of player colour display
					effect_load(mtl_bonesanim	,"obj_bones_MB.fx");		// FIL		// no pixel shader

but as I mentioned in the MapBuilder thread yesterday, there is a bug in loading settings from a file, so next week it is going to be fixed.

Free world editor for 3D Gamestudio: MapBuilder Editor