Uhh... I'm not sure what I'm doing and what those values mean exactly but I've tried a program called VMMap (which I found in some non-Gamestudio thread looking for E_OUTOFMEMORY) and looked at my game's (process's) address space ~ I guess.

Committed: This graph shows the committed (memory that represents data or code) memory usage of the process: 1.402GB

Working Set: This graph shows the working set usage of the process by memory type. Working set represents the amount of commited virtual memory that's in physical memory and owned by the process: 1.120GB

Summary of the virtual and physical usage of the process by type (like Image, Mapped File, Heap, Private Data, ...), "Total": 1.845GB

RAM usage according to the task manager: 1.050GB

When I now change the resolution (from 1920x1080 to 1600x1050), memory for the render targets is reallocated. I read somewhere that DirectX does not flush (?) memory immediately on "release", instead you need to flush the data manually if you really need to (let's say when you're low on memory). I get the standard E2005.
The values are now as follows: 1.489, 1.153, 1.920, 1.079GB. The second to last value looks a little alarming to me (esp. if contiguous or fragmented memory is important in this case, which I assume it is).
The acklog part (after all bmap_create instructions are done):
MEMORY NOW (after all bmap creations): (nexus: 63.5/ 150.0) (sys_memory: 210.7) (d3d_texfree: 3963.0) (d3d_texlimit: 8192.0) (d3d_texbmaps: 73.7) (d3d_texskins: 4.3) (d3d_texsmaps: 1.7) (d3d_texsurfs: 0.1) (sum: 79.7MB) (GetAvailableTextureMem: 4280287232)
Error E2005: Can't create DirectX texture unnamed
D3D_TexCreate: 8007000e - E_OUTOFMEMORY

Is that one value, the "summary/ total" value the one that matters? And the RAM usage in the task manager "totally irrelevant"?
To make sure this is not project related (or because of a damaged file):
Click to reveal..
#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

#define MAX_BMAPS 196 // start with the default nexus/ "run current script"
BMAP* test_bmps[MAX_BMAPS];

#define EXTRA_BMAPS 1
BMAP* extra_bmps[EXTRA_BMAPS];

#define MAX_VIEWS 64
VIEW* view_chain[MAX_VIEWS];

void createExtraBmaps()
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < EXTRA_BMAPS; i++) extra_bmps[i] = bmap_create("test8MB.tga");

void switchResolution()
	video_mode = 10+(video_mode == 10);

void main()
	int i;
	fps_max = 60;
	video_mode = 6;
	me = ent_create(CUBE_MDL,vector(128,0,0),NULL);
	for(i = 0; i < MAX_BMAPS; i++) test_bmps[i] = bmap_create("test8MB.tga");
	VIEW* view_prev = camera;
	for(i = 0; i < MAX_VIEWS; i++)
		//mat_chain[i] = mtl_create();
		view_chain[i] = view_create(0);
		//view_chain[i].material = mat_chain[i];
		//if(i < MAX_VIEWS-1) view_chain[i].bmap = bmap_createblack(screen_size.x,screen_size.x,24);
		view_prev.stage = view_chain[i];
		view_prev = view_chain[i];
	on_1 = createExtraBmaps;
	on_space = switchResolution;
		my.pan += 6*time_step;
		draw_text(str_printf(NULL,"sys_memory: %.1f",(double)sys_memory),20,20,COLOR_RED);
		draw_text(str_printf(NULL,"d3d_texbmaps: %.1f",(double)d3d_texbmaps),20,40,COLOR_RED);

There I create a ton of 2048x1024 (8+MB) textures to get the RAM usage above 1.6GB and the "summary/ total" value > 1.9GB. When I now press [Space] twice, E2005 happens. (Which seems somewhat reasonable to me that it errors here, except the difference of 600MB -task manager- compared to my real project.) Btw. if you just add additional bitmaps (with the createExtraBmaps()) function you get a (probably legit)
Error E1005: Out of memory.

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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