Alright, thanks for your feedback and testing!

However, I noticed a problem with that code, that is temporarily setting eSource's orientation to zero. Subsequent ang_for_bone instructions can fail then, seemingly at random (they take the wrong pan value in consideration).
I'm 99% sure I've once read a post by jcl telling someone that he should not change pan multiple times per frame, as some stuff is based on matrices or whatever internally and information can get lost then. I could not find that post anymore though.

As a workaround or fix I need a few ang_add() operations sadly (those which add eSourcePanInv):

void ent_anim_copy(ENTITY* eTarget, ENTITY* eSource)
	int i,numBones,hparent;
	ANGLE angle,angle2,angle3,eSourcePanInv;

	numBones = ent_bones(eSource);
	for(i = 0; i < numBones; i++)
		ang_for_bone(&angle,eSource,i+1); // use bone handles/ indices instead of names
		hparent = ent_boneparent(eSource,NULL,i+1);
		if(hparent > 0)
			ang_for_bone(&angle2,eSource,hparent); // eTarget's bone is already rotated by parent bone's rotation => undo it!
			ang_diff(&angle3,nullvector,&angle2); // best way to do this? I doubt it.

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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