That's just it. I rolled in the acknex engine after fiddling with other low grade 3d engines after abandoning Div GameStudio (many had there hopes up), then I say Gamestudio and all the features looked awesome, but really would like to make hobby projects and prototypes with it.

Then the world editor and model editor were to be updated and lite-c came around. I already bought my first A5 Pro license from another user who wanted to level up to another engine. The we got A6 and A7 and finally A8 all those versions I bought the commercial license/upgrade without hesitation. Not just because it has great dev team back in the day with Doug and couple others. But also because I wanted to support the future development of the engine.

Now after me growing up during these glory days of engine I never had the funds as hobbyist programmer to get using the other functions in pro. Not for commercial release, but at least to see what I can accomplish with it and if its worth to upgrade.

That said. Most of my Gamestudio friends have ditched GameStudio because of the weird things going on and The Who Zorro, OP/Atari thing leading up to Litec. Not that I havent welcome Litec.

Without going further with this semi-rant. I don't want to puke on the engine, I wan to know if it has a future, even as a photo-type engine, but with the pro features including such as packing resources. Which is important, because not every modeler is wanting me to put his work in a "simple" prototype and get his artwork ripped.

Is there some other site where it is allowed to go deeper into this issue without bashing on the product delivered so far. I can create reasonable games with the engine, but it has more potential and its not getting full potential because its blocked to commercial users.
