Given the severity of this issue and that rather many users and their game projects are experiencing this, I think the best solution or rather approach right now would be a dedicated unofficial A8 release for testing.
IMO this should only include logging or stuff like that, not any other change (fix) for now.

Forgive my DirectX (and general) noobiness but could you, Mr. Lotter, add logging to the texture creation in some way or another?
I did that for all my bmap_create[black] instructions with a macro but that obviously does not help where we don't have access to the CreateTexture calls or whatever it is (like for engine intern postprocessing bitmaps or on entity creation or level (texture) loading).

Could you maybe even output information like a stack trace (?) or data like free remaining memory when such a DirectX call fails?
Even if that A8 test version was a lot slower it would be a great relief to have this issue finally isolated.

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