It's at 1066MB in development mode and 232MB in a published build (which temporarily goes up to 296MB for 5+ seconds after changing resolutions on 1920x1080, which is a tad strange IMO).

That DirectX SDK/ debugger stuff sounds like a good idea, too bad this does not work on Win7 SP1, Win 8 and Win 10 though. -.- It's just not supported anymore.

EDIT: Uhh, got it running on an old laptop but there the crash has not happened so far - obviously.
EDIT2: Activating the debug version of DirectX 9 results in a different error, usually related to outdated DirectX versions (apparently):
D3D_DrawPrimitive: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL 0 lmaps 0 textures
Malfunction W1246: DirectX driver failure: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL...ok
LevelReady at 214.750

(listed as E1246 in the manual)

Last edited by Superku; 04/11/17 07:44.

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