Ty for replying. I dont have any on_ent_remove's. Also it seems like I have it only for the characters, e.g. when I register e.g. a crate as a PH_CHAR and unregister after a wait it doesn't seem to cause any problems. So I think I am making a mistake in my character code somewhere but I dont know what.

Some outstanding code:
//Set Collision Event
for (you = ent_next (NULL); you; you = ent_next (you)) {  
	if (you) {
		if (you.TYPE == IS_ITEM || you.TYPE == IS_PROP_RIGID) pXent_setcollisionflag(my, you, NX_NOTIFY_ON_START_TOUCH);

But I unlink them through NX_IGNORE_PAIR before unregistering.

Also when I unregister I also set the following (dont know if this matters):
set(my, PASSABLE);
my.emask &= ~DYNAMIC;