Originally Posted By: WretchedSid
The random number generator is generating a number, and the dragon moves to that number vector location, but the number never changes

I will probably come across as a massive dick, but... You do realize that that's due to you never changing the variable ever?

Where you assign the `dragonRetreatFromPlayer` state, you can simply generate a new random number.

I tried that before. However, when I call the random number in the "dragonRetreatFromPlayer" state, and the player gets to within 200 units of the dragon, the dragon keeps continually trying to move to the different vector locations, just as if the random number is constantly being called and changed in real time, and the dragon is trying to follow the direction of the random number that keeps changing. The dragon never actually gets to a location. It just keeps wiggling here and there in the middle of the room without going anywhere.

Last edited by Ruben; 03/02/17 01:07.