Was soll ich, mit dem Willen zur Vernunft, künftig akzeptieren? Muss ich es akzeptieren, dass um mich herum Menschen, Familie, vielleicht jeder von uns hier - ggf. bei einem nächsten Terrorakt stirbt?
, terror attacks are terrifying yes, though the chance that me or you or a family member dies in a terror attack is extremely small. Remember when in ~2001-2004 there were also a series of terror attacks? Like the one in the metro of London where lots of people were killed? This is not something new (though it did happen quite frequently this year :| ), its also that cause of media (unwittingly) and social media magnify bad things (especially social media with lots its news being made up which doesn't help and only convoluting news). Not saying that they are to blame, but it e.g. made me literally happier following (this kind of) news not everytime but only ~2 times in the week.

Last edited by Reconnoiter; 12/21/16 11:35.