The beta features page says:
The str_printf function now also supports Unicode.

Does it really? When I use str_printf on a Unicode string it just results in a scrambled mess of chinese/ whatever symbols. Is there something I am missing?
(As a workaround I can obviously call str_printf on a regular ASCII string, then copy that into the Unicode string in question.)

EDIT: Oh and what are the (undocumented) (Unicode) STRING flags?
I assume (1<<3) and (1<<7) are something like "string is modified", and (1<<6) is the "string is in Unicode" bit? And where is the short array saved, in a different internal buffer?
I have a text object and a string which I use to draw most of my UI stuff with draw_obj. Can I reset the text's string's Unicode bit manually (let's say before the next str_cpy with an ASCII source string) or would that lead to a memory leak?
(Flag 6 is still set after str_printf but you can draw the text with the chars pointer - which you shouldn't be able to with Unicode, right?)

Last edited by Superku; 10/25/16 06:45.

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