your welcone,

Dungeon Siege 1 was fun but I it looks quite outdated now. And singleplayer map is a bit lineair and meh story, but the game shines in its multiplayer map. Its massive, open and diverse. And if you install the right mods you can control a party in multiplayer, add Dungeon Siege 1 expansion content to it and added quests etc. Sadly no graphics mod.

What is quite special about the Dungeon Siege maps however that its huge, allows full backtracking if one wants (not single moment to reset things) and combines that with continuous and lots of different assets which all eat memory. So they needed to implement a system that removes as many stuff from memory when the player is outside a certain area (which as you may quess gives all kinds of problems with e.g. items, enemies, triggered moments and crates/barrels etc). They also had problems with precision etc etc.