I commented all the process and renamed the variables so it is easier to follow. It now restores the level files initial state after compiling the empty levels, so there is no need for making backups of the files.

#include <acknex.h>

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

STRING *strFilename = NULL;
STRING *strOptions = "";

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Levels
TEXT *txtLevels =
	string = ( 

// Compilation configurations for each level
// They can be copied from 'buildlog.txt' file created by WED compilation process
TEXT *txtConfigs =
	string = (
		" -pal palette.pcx -az 0 -el 60 -sunrgb 58 58 58 -ambrgb 19 19 19  -fog1 100 100 100  -fog2 19 39 100  -fog3 100 19 19 -noportals -hiprec -litmapsonly -writelog -mesh -mergeacross -terralit -tesselate -close -solidsky -nodetail -quiet -supsam -threads 4 -gamma 2.25 -phongangle 120  -lmambient 50  -sizeshaded 236 -litres 0.37 -litcomp 0.20 -litmax 255 -litscale 0.68 -radsubdiv 64 -radbounce 3 -bound 56000 -fat 64  48  8  -narrow 32  32  0"
		" -pal palette.pcx -az 0 -el 60 -sunrgb 58 58 58 -ambrgb 19 19 19  -fog1 100 100 100  -fog2 19 39 100  -fog3 100 19 19 -noportals -hiprec -litmapsonly -writelog -mesh -mergeacross -terralit -tesselate -close -solidsky -nodetail -quiet -supsam -threads 4 -gamma 2.25 -phongangle 120  -lmambient 50  -sizeshaded 236 -litres 0.37 -litcomp 0.20 -litmax 255 -litscale 0.68 -radsubdiv 64 -radbounce 3 -bound 56000 -fat 64  48  8  -narrow 32  32  0"

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// A buffer and a position and size control in order to hold all the entity related data
typedef struct
	char buffer[6000];
	char *chr;
	long size;

ENT_BUFFER entBuffer;

void entBuffer_startup ()
	entBuffer.chr = entBuffer.buffer;
	entBuffer.size = 0;

// Add a string to the entities buffer
void entBufferAddString ( STRING *_str )
	long _size = str_len ( _str );
	memcpy ( entBuffer.chr, _str->chars, _size );
	entBuffer.chr += _size;
	*entBuffer.chr = 13; // [Enter]
	entBuffer.chr ++;
	*entBuffer.chr = 10; // Linebreak
	entBuffer.chr ++;
	entBuffer.size += _size + 2;

// Add a char buffer to the entities buffer
void entBufferAdd ( char *_chr, long _size )
	memcpy ( entBuffer.chr, _chr, _size );
	entBuffer.chr += _size;
	entBuffer.size += _size;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

void main ()
	var levelIndex = 0;
	// Loop through all levels
	for ( ; levelIndex<txtLevels->strings; levelIndex+=1 )
		// Get the pointer to the level name string
		strFilename = (txtLevels->pstring)[levelIndex];
		// Check the existence of the level file
		if ( !file_exists ( strFilename ) )
			str_cpy ( strFilename, " file not found!" );
			error ( strFilename );
		// Add level name to entities buffer
		entBufferAddString ( strFilename );
		// A variable will contain the size of the file buffer
		long sizeFile;
		// Load the file into a buffer allocated by the engine
		char *bufferStart = file_load ( strFilename, NULL, &sizeFile );
		// Make a copy of the file buffer in order to restore the file after compiling
		char *bufferBackup = sys_malloc ( sizeFile );
		memcpy ( bufferBackup, bufferStart, sizeFile );
		// A pointer to hold the starting byte of a detected entity
		char *entityBlock = NULL;
		// A variable will contain the size of the modified file buffer. It is same as the original file buffer size at the beginning
		long sizeResult = sizeFile;
		// A pointer to go through the buffer
		char *buffer = bufferStart;
		// Go through the buffer byte by byte
		for ( ; buffer<bufferStart+sizeResult; buffer++ )
			// If a description of a model has been previously detected
			if ( entityBlock )
				// If the pointed byte is a closing bracket
				if ( *buffer == 125 ) // }
					// Compute the size of the entity description block
					long sizeBlock = 3 + (long)buffer - (long)entityBlock;
					// Add the entity block to the entities buffer
					entBufferAdd ( entityBlock, sizeBlock );
					// Compute the size of the remaining buffer
					long sizeRemaining = sizeResult - ( (long)buffer - (long)bufferStart );
					// Move the remaining buffer to the starting byte of the entity, so the entity is completelly removed from the file buffer
					memcpy ( entityBlock, buffer+3, sizeRemaining );
					// Reduce the size of the file buffer by the size of the entity block
					sizeResult -= sizeBlock;
					// Move the buffer cheking pointer to the start of the remaining buffer, as it has been moved
					buffer = entityBlock - 1;
					// Remove previously saved starting byte
					entityBlock = NULL;
			else // If a description of a model has not been previously detected
				// If the pointed byte is an opening bracket
				if ( *buffer == 123 ) // {
					// Look for the word 'model' into the remaining buffer
					var pos = str_stri ( buffer, "model" );
					// If it exists
					if ( pos )
						// If it exists near the opening bracket
						if ( pos < 10 )
							// Save the the actual byte as the starting byte of the description of a model
							entityBlock = buffer;
					else // If it does not exists
						// There is no reason to continue looking into the buffer
						// Break the loop
		// Save the modified buffer, with no models, in order to compile the empty level
		file_save ( strFilename, bufferStart, sizeResult );
		// Build the configuration for compiling process
		str_cpy ( strOptions, strFilename );
		str_cat ( strOptions, (txtConfigs->pstring)[levelIndex] );
		// Compile the level
		exec_wait  ( "wwmp2wmb.exe", strOptions );
		// Restore the level file to its initial state
		file_save ( strFilename, bufferBackup, sizeFile );
		// Remove the level buffer
		file_load ( NULL, bufferStart, &sizeFile );
		// Remove the level buffer copy
		sys_free ( bufferBackup );
	// If everything went fine
	if ( levelIndex == txtLevels->strings )
		// Save the entities buffer 
		file_save ( "level_entities.txt", entBuffer.buffer, entBuffer.size );
	// Exit the program ;)
	sys_exit ( NULL );

Have fun!