No, I'm trying to create save/load system between levels (like in old Resident Evil type of games). So I could separate the game into small rooms and when I'll go from one room into the other one, I'll save progress into the file (so picked up items won't appear again, or already killed enemies won't try to kick my ass over and over again).

Thank you for a tip with 'str_for_entfile', it worked flawlessly. Now I can save NPCs with their unique bounding boxes, plus positions/orientations, but no functions yet. I don't really know, how it would be better to save the function name, maybe saving it into the string before writing it into the file, but then, how I'll be able to restore it to be used with ent_create as an EVENT action? Saving the function name automatically would be better than saving it by hand, but we'll see. Any ideas are welcome!

Best regards!

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