Hi there!

Is there anyway to get what function and model names specific model has? F.e. I have an entity that uses 'guard.mdl' and has function 'hero' assigned to it. And inside of that function I want to get the name of the model (guard.mdl) and the name of the function (hero). I checked 'atypes.h' and in entities structure I found this:
EVENT local; // client side function
void* model; // mesh/skin info pointer
But 'my.local' is NULL when I try to access it from the hero function. And yet I can't understand how to use 'void* model', I need to save name of the model into the string.

Edit: plus, now I started thinking about how could I save functions name properly, so I could recreate the object and assign that function to it? You may already understand, I'm trying to create some kind of a load/save system, which will save the whole level into the file, and then read it back when needed (could be used for loading levels as well, like in good old resident evil type of games, where each level is a separate room). Any ideas are welcome! Thank you in advance.

Best regards!

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