I changed it to ldow(), but get the same values:

static variable : DH: 110.050003,
local variable : dh_1 110.139999,

and the strange thing is, when I move the assignment of DH (daily high) below another static variable the DH value is correct but the value of DL (daily low) will be wrong.
like that:
// DH = dayHigh(ET,0); commented
DL = dayLow(ET,0);
DH = dayHigh(ET,0); // moved here from above

Another thing I figured out is, when I
set TimeFrame= frameSync(24); // instead of TimeFrame= 24;
the values are correct except at 23:00 UTC for my script.

And if I remove the setting of TimeFrame, the values are correct. Please can you help me to understand, which concept I don't understand.