I'm sorry for my reply into this Zorro Beta Test forum but I cannot create a new topic under the Bug Hunt forum probably because of insufficient rights and maybe the issue is valid for Zorro Beta 1.47 as well.

Subject: Probably a bug in processing of the last bar in the run() function.

It seems that the last bar is not processed properly by the run() function. Please try to run the following code:

function run()
    StartDate = 20160101;
    BarPeriod = 1440;
    string AssentName = "A";



    vars Open = series(priceOpen());
    vars High = series(priceHigh());
    vars Low = series(priceLow());
    vars Close = series(priceClose());
    print(TO_LOG," => Open: %f, High: %f, Low: %f, Close: %f",Open[0],High[0],Low[0],Close[0]);

The version 1.44.1 produces the log file where there are no values for the last trading day.
The version 1.46 produces the log file where there are values for the last trading day however they are the same as values from the previous day (except the date).

I think, the problem is somewhere in calling of the run() function because once I write one more fictional bar with the date last_trading_date+1 into the <asset_name>.bar file as a workaround, the version 1.44 shows the “hidden” bar from the last trading day correctly.