Using the SDK is pretty simple.
You download it here:

Steamworks SDK download:
Login with your steam credentials and grab the newest SDK.

Now you extract it somewhere.
Create a new C++ project (I recommend Visual Studio)
Settings are Win32 Console Application.
Never click finish but click next.
On the next page you check the "Dynamic Linking Library" checkbox and if you want the "Empty" checkbox.
Dont forget to include the engine SDK if needed!

In the new project you have to include the SDK header:
#include "steamworks_sdk_137\sdk\public\steam\steam_api.h"

The next step is integrating the code from the API into the new DLL:
#pragma comment (lib, "steam_api.lib")

It is located at "sdk\redistributable_bin"

Now you can access all the functions from the SDK.
To initialize the Steam API you have to put this code into your DLL exported init function:

if (SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary(k_uAppIdInvalid))
	// if Steam is not running or the game wasn't started through Steam, SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary starts the 
	// local Steam client and also launches this game again.
	// Once you get a public Steam AppID assigned for this game, you need to replace k_uAppIdInvalid with it and
	// removed steam_appid.txt from the game depot.

	return 0;

// Init Steam CEG

	MessageBoxA(0, "Steam API Error!", "Failed to initialize the Steam API!", MB_OK);
	return 0;

	MessageBoxA(0, "Steam API Error!", "You are not running Steam or you are not logged in!", MB_OK);
	return 0;

// do a DRM self check



// Shutdown the SteamAPI

// Shutdown Steam CEG

Look at the example project for more code.

Last edited by Ch40zzC0d3r; 08/02/16 11:44.