First in of most importance --

@Sid my deepest regards, I feel for you and wish it had not be so, and indeed your 2016 in a vary real way Sucks, far worse than mine. My heartfelt and anything I can do or say, i'm here.

Next - @MasterQ32 and all. If I'm going to peek in here, than no need to translate. 99% of the forum is in my langue and many work to translation and understand that. This thread is in native German and I respect that and will do my share of translation work. I've a good mind for context and am not lost all all.

To the post I've read after mine. I can agree in it all and would fill a post with quotes and agreement. It's to say it's world wide and the same here. There is bit more access for the young outside the usa, but the working of the sick mind and media on it, and reach and over-reach by the political governing system are similar.
the noted examples of sick media games or video are by far more restricted in this country. But our young and dumb and sick population are proven less educated and intelligent then the German youth. Making them more dangerous and me thankful for our restrictions.I can not tell you how many 'kids' I've had to say to 'Never go to the darkweb, you've not brains and no idea to be there.' But the ignorant here have our bravery and pride and will march defiant right into the deep dark... Very sad.

And @MasterQ32 and all, I've very much regard as friend for my community and keep an eye on all around the world. I missed the second attack or it wasn't largely pushed in our news. My stepping in this thread is solely that. Please be safe, good and take care. I'll worry where I hear the evil-stupidity through the world and hope you all are safe and kept.


Edit- I also would like to note - as many know - you deal with a mentally and emotional volatile person everyday "Me" and that these sick a**'s and violent person account for less then 1% of us with 'issues' they disgust me, shock me and disturb me. It's a fight for us here in the US by please then have me as a reference -I am part of that mentally, emotionally broke people and would never do this, and even in my group these people are tiny, select and evil.


Last edited by Malice; 07/29/16 23:26.