Originally Posted By: Malice

Pick a focus... I wish I had. Here in this engine this forum you kind of touch it all and all on your own... And you never get good at any of it. We have the shader guys and physics guys, I've now a sound programmer and a UI programmer... Those that specialized got good. It's a team sport - or rather a team JOB, just like banking of stocking store markets, it's smaller teams in a greater team, in a collection of unrelated teams... This how all things work.
, not always. Although it is hard, I have seen some lonewolves create awesome projects. It just depends on the person, hobby/work and whether you are working as an indie or in bigger companies (in which case specialization is probably always(?) required).

Originally Posted By: JackPell
The problem is that I reached a point that I can't move on from to something more advanced like a simple pathfinding. I am stuck in a strange way frown and just don't know how to improve my knowledge. Especially that the AUMs stopped for a couple of months and they kept making workshops on game dev business. I am a total hobbyist and I don't study computer science in college ,but I am really obsessed with game making ...

So, I really want to jump to the next level .. I don't want to be a beginner anymore ...

Thank you for helping any way laugh

, I know how you feel. Gamestudio 3d lacks some intermediate/hard tutorials.
A few suggestions:
-> when you hit a specific problem or obstacle, just ask it in the forums.
-> search this forum for some more advanced topics like pathfinding.
-> maybe the check the wiki for some more tutorials.
-> create some minigames or simple games to start with, learning along the way.
-> use an other engine like Unity.

Last edited by Reconnoiter; 07/29/16 10:28.