Originally Posted By: rayp
Making destroyable glass ... thats intresting. But how ? Creating flying glass sprites ? Particles ? Best would be a mdl file of the window with a break animation i guess. Isnt there any tool creating such a animation ?
, its not that the glass itself is hard to make I think, but it creates some annoying requirements for which parts to leave open in walls.

dont know to be honest. Maybe creating complete "floors" as map entity, loading removing them when needed, but this sounds not fast while thinking about.
, I dont think i will be doing that but i have to applaud you for the creative solution which involves map entities grin

Ahh sure, the CLIPPED flag becomes usefull here too.
, oh yeah still needed to add that to the actions.


I think with breakable glass you should be selective between what is 'crack-able' and what can be fully shattered out.
, that is a good idea. It gives me more control over where the player could look and enter inside and saves some modeling work.