I have written this idea in another post but I am not sure if it was read.
As example lets say that it is 24th of may and we have two users of Z12:
User A: The trader begins to trade Z12 that 24th and all algos inside the Z12 system are activated.
User B: The trader is using Z12 since 4 months ago and currently some algos went into a DD therefore they were disable by the equity curve trading mechanism.
In this situation user A has some algos activated which should not be activated and therefore user A will have losses that should not. Ofc it is possible that user A will have wins that user B has not since these are phantom trades for him but earlier or later those algos/assets will be activated for user B so thats fine for him. It is not fine for user A if he/she clicks on the trade buttom on the wrong day.

This could explain the losses of some Zsystems users. This could explain our own losses too. The backtest ends with some algos disable but when we click trade all algos are activated.

So I find it usefull if some algos are already disable at the beginning of the live trading because this is the status they had at the end of the backtest.

That means that equity curve series should be saved somehow. I think that it would reduce the losses of the Zsystems users and increase the trust on them and on zorro of new potential users since Zsystems is like the babysteps that most of the traders use when meet zorro. But as mentioned, it would as well allow us to begin trading our strategies knowing that only the right assets/algos are able to trade.