Originally Posted By: DdlV
Why Wine vs. VM (VirtualBox or KVM or other)?

A VM is much heavier than a container. In a container, Zorro costs me about 200M of RAM and 20% of a CPU core per instance, since I'm running Zorro, MT4 a VNC server and nothing else. Running Windows 7 requires at least 1GB of RAM and enough CPU to deal with all the services it insists on running. Plus you need to buy Windows licenses.

Originally Posted By: DdlV
When Zorro or MT4 (if used) is updated, what would the update process be?

I think MT4 updates itself but I'm not sure. Zorro would have to be updated manually at the moment. I'm not even sure how you're meant to update Zorro normally. If people really care I might put in environment variables that select the broker software to install and whether to setup Zorro from scratch or not.