I have been in discussions with a trading education provider about running an algorithmic trading course for their students. I have done some strategy development work for their fund, and as a result they have expressed an interest in me developing from scratch an algorithmic trading course. One course targeted at beginners, and another at the intermediate level. I have floated the idea of using Zorro for the course, since it is flexible, powerful and has a much smaller learning curve than other approaches to algorithmic trading.

If I were to go ahead and develop such a course, I would also like to offer a version of it for sale via my website. Would Zorro users be interested in such a course?

I plan to include both details of working with the Lite-C scripting language as well as the theory of strategy development using a statistically sound approach.

While I'm no expert in C programming in the league of jcl, I'm competent and have developed my own successful strategies using Zorro's base capabilities as well as the R bridge, machine learning algorithms and econometric tools.

Let me know if this is of interest to users and if there are any particular requests for topics to be covered. I could even tailor a course to an individual if there was sufficient interest. If you'd like to talk more about this, either send me a PM via the forum, or send an email via the contact form on my website.

Looking forward to some feedback!