If someone wants to test if his broker has a similar problem, here's an outlier test script:

#define LastPrice AssetVar[0]

void tick()
	var Price = priceClose();
	if(LastPrice > 0 && 
		(Price < 0.75*LastPrice || Price > 1.25*LastPrice))
		printf("\nOutlier!! %s Last: %.4f Now: %.4f",Asset,LastPrice,Price);
	LastPrice = Price;

void run()
	if(!is(LOOKBACK)) printf("\n");
	while(asset(loop("EUR/USD", "USD/JPY", "USD/CAD", "EUR/JPY", "EUR/AUD", "EUR/GBP", "AUD/JPY", "AUD/USD"))) 
		if(!is(LOOKBACK)) printf("%s: %.4f, ",Asset,priceClose());

We had no outliers so far with the brokers we've tested. But we're looking into Katalon now.